This touch therapy consists of gentle non invasive muscle testing, which helps to discover what the body requires using the body’s bio-feedback mechanism. If the muscle is unable to hold under light pressure this indicates that there could be and imbalance and can be corrected using a variety of techniques.
The balance can be brought back by simple releasing an energy block, introducing a nutritional supplement, eliminating toxins, reducing tension and helping the body’s natural healing process.
Here are some of the benefits – an increase in energy levels and improvement of digestive imbalances and find out what you could be sensitive to. Old injuries, back and neck problems. Enhance your learning capabilities and confidence.
Help to release past trauma and emotional upset. Improve your athletic and sport performance, be the best that you can be through goal setting and belief systems. Be more motivated and optimistic. Kinesiology can improve your quality of sleep.
Testing for food sensitivities and advice on correct nutrition and food is an essential part to kinesiology.
First treatment with consultation £60.00
Treatment 1hr £50.00